Archive for the ‘Veterans’ Category

A Veteran’s Story, told on Veteran’s Day before a large audience.

Monday, December 17th, 2018

First and foremost, thank you for this opportunity. I am here today to tell you my story.

In early Spring of 2005, I was enrolled in college of the Redwoods in the automotive program. I was struggling with things personally in my life. My grandmother had just passed and I had been trying to cope with her death by drinking all the time. Had a girlfriend and a year earlier my first child was born. But my life was in shambles. I was in my early 20’s and had no real direction in my life at that time.


The Problem of Homelessness Among Veterans

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

by Siegfried Othmer, PhD


The Problem of Homelessness Among VeteransWhy is there a problem of homelessness among veterans? Indeed there is a shortage of affordable housing in Los Angeles, but that is not the real issue here. Rather, we are confronted with a problem of the brain. Homeless veterans are not able to sustain relationships, and eventually they find themselves out on their own. The downward slide may take years. When the Director of the Salvation Army Bell Shelter (the largest shelter for formerly homeless veterans West of the Mississippi) was asked recently about whether he was seeing a lot of veterans of the recent wars, his answer was, “not yet.” By and large, they have not yet worn out their familial and other connections. But among those still suffering from PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) years after return from combat, a gradual downward slide is the likely prospect.


Veteran’s Day 2014

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

by Siegfried Othmer, PhD

Veterans Day
W hy is it that our nation has not made more progress in dealing with PTSD and TBI over all these years? Admittedly, the whole concept of PTSD only dates back to about 1980, which is rather astounding. But matters are even worse with regard to TBI. We’ve been living with automobile-involved head injuries in huge numbers for nearly a century; there are in addition the common occurrences of minor head injuries among children; and at the other end of the age range we confront all those falls among the elderly leading to minor traumatic brain injury. And yet there has been no real coming to grips with this problem until we confronted the conundrum of blast injury—injury without apparent direct impact on the brain—among our service members. One could well say that the field of medicine essentially ignored what is called ‘minor’ traumatic brain injury until the 21st century.


Restoring Mental Health in Long-term Veterans with PTSD

Friday, November 8th, 2013

by Carol Kelson, MFT

EEG Info NewsletterSomething exciting is happening at The Salvation Army Bell Shelter in Los Angeles that I want to share with you this Veterans Day. It started this past May with a small group of veterans who volunteered to be part of a neurofeedback pilot study. The veterans were randomly selected to be either part of the treatment group or the non-treatment, waitlist group. For four weeks during the month of May, the veterans in the treatment group were given five 30-minute neurofeedback sessions. At the end of 20 sessions, five veterans in the treatment group were compared to five veterans in the non-treatment group. I am happy to report the results were astounding.


A Soldier’s Homecoming

Friday, November 8th, 2013

by Kimberly Smith Van Metre, BS, OMC

EEG Info NewsletterAfter serving in Iraq, wounded Marine Lance Corporal Chris Allen couldn’t shake images of losing his best friend after their Humvee was hit by an RPG; Chris was the sole survivor. He took shrapnel to his knee, thigh, and eye and, after returning home, he turned to alcohol to help numb the emotional and physical pain. Chris was experiencing the classic signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A fellow veteran and former Homecoming for Veteran participant at Neurofeedback Train Your Brain (NTYB) convinced Chris to do neurofeedback.


To All of Our Veterans

Friday, November 8th, 2013

by Siegfried Othmer, PhD

EEG Info NewsletterMost of those who enter the Armed Forces benefit from the training experience, and would agree that life in the military allowed them to improve in their personal competence and skills to a greater degree than if the same amount of time had been spent in civilian life. On the other hand, it is also likely that combat experience exacts a price in a large minority, if not the majority, of service members. This is not easily accepted because it is difficult for any of us to confront our own shortcomings. The burden military discipline imposes is to take full responsibility for one’s own performance. When that is not possible, denial is the likely response. You want to own the problem by any and all means, and go from there.



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